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Bezwingen Sie die aufregenden Wildwasser-Stromschnellen eines der beeindruckendsten Flüsse Europas oder fordern Sie sich beim Canyoning heraus, während Sie in kristallklare Pools gleiten. Sie bleiben lieber an Land? Erkunden Sie die einzigartigen Mountainbike-Strecken des ersten Bikeparks im Soča-Tal.
Es ist Ihre Wahl!
Ausgewählte Erlebnisse
Canyoning oder Rafting? Was ist das Richtige für mich?
Canyoning vs. Rafting im Soča-Tal: Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Entscheidung, indem wir die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden erklären. Treffen Sie die beste Wahl für Ihr Abenteuer in Bovec.
Marcin Lisu
Zdecydowanie polecam! Wszystko zgodne z opisem na stronie. Sprzęt i przewodnicy pełna profeska! Super przygoda! Będąc w dolinie Socy rafting jest obowiązkowy. Niczego nie trzeba się obawiać, nie jest to zbyt trudne. Wystarczy słuchać poleceń przewodnika. A nasz- Bjorn, dawał rade! Kolejnego dnia skorzystaliśmy z canyoningu na wodospadzie Fratarica. I to był strzał w 10! Wspaniałe przeżycie, sporo adrenaliny, trochę obtarc i nieco bolące cztery litery ale zdecydowanie było warto! Skoki do krystalicznie czystej, zimnej wody z kilku metrów, zjazdy po sliskich kamieniach, zjazdy po linie z kilkudziesięciu metrów! Przeżycia niewiarygodne! Zdecydowanie warto. A wszystko pod opieką doświadczonego przewodnika Dario, z profesjonalnym sprzętem, który udostępnia firma. Zdjęcia w cenie. Zdecydowanie polecam!
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Elisabetta T.
Rafting in Bovec, Slovenia was an absolutely exhilarating experience! Our instructors, Thim and Franco, were incredibly skilled and helped us discover stunning corners of the river. They guided us through thrilling turns, jumps, and even swimming in the river. It was a fantastic adventure that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a fun and adventurous day out in nature. Thank you Thim for an unforgettable experience including my son Jacopo's somersault dive and the 7-meter jump !
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Julia CB
Nous avons fait du canyoning. Ils nous ont regroupés en un groupe de 9 personnes et nous avions deux moniteurs, qui nous ont tout très bien expliqué, nous ont encouragés tout au long du parcours et ont créé une ambiance très agréable. Les équipements qu'ils nous ont donnés sont de très bonne qualité (les meilleures sont les chaussures qui adhèrent à tous les types de terrains, ce qui permet de se sentir en sécurité). Le paysage est vraiment magnifique, et les sauts, la cascade et le rappel sont super. Définitivement recommandé !
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We had an amazing experience on our rafting tour! The tour guide was very experienced and made us feel safe and well-prepared throughout the entire trip. He also shared fantastic tips and interesting information about the surrounding area, which made the tour even more enjoyable. We highly recommend this rafting adventure to anyone looking for a fun and memorable experience!
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Tycho Brug
Amazing place, highly recommend canyoning with Nature's ways! Tommie and Sarah (hope I spelled your names correctly) guided us through the intermediate canyoning, and it was great. We got clear instructions how to behave in the canyon, but we were not belittled. And the canyon is just beautiful and exciting. Also, small shout out to Tim who took us to the canyon the day before, but had to turn around because of bad weather.
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Vanessa Schulz
Wir hatten eine extrem tolle Canyoning-Tour (intermediate) mit Tim als Local-Guide. Es hat so Spaß gemacht, Tim war super entspannt, sympathisch und hat bei allen Aktivitäten Sicherheit und Ruhe ausgestrahlt. Wir hatten eine lustige Gruppe, die kurze Busfahrt allein hat dadurch schon Spaß gemacht, genauso wie der 30-minütige Aufstieg zum Startpunkt. Wir kommen wieder und können es auf jeden Fall empfehlen!
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Cromer DE
Wir haben das Einsteiger Canyoning gemacht zu viert. Sara(h) war super nett und wir haben uns auf der Tour viel Zeit lassen können. Manche Teile sind wir mehrmals gesprungen und haben uns durchgehend sehr sicher gefühlt! Klare Empfehlung! Anscheinend soll es zur Hauptsaison etwas voller sein, sodass man sich nicht so viel Zeit lassen kann.
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Marie H
Rafting auf der Soca war ein tolles Erlebnis. Unser Guide Franko hat es verstanden, nicht nur für gute Stimmung an Bord zu sorgen, sondern die Besatzung maximal zu motivieren und sehr professionelle Anweisungen zu geben. Auch die Aktivitäten jenseits des Paddelns, wie das Rutschen von einem Felsen auf der Unterseite des Bootes oder der Sprung von dem 7 m hohen "Manhattan"-Felsen haben für viel Abwechslung gesorgt. Absolut empfehlenswert!
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Abby Z
Amazing experience! My husband planned this canyoning activity for us & I was very, very nervous! The hike up wasn't fun, but it was so worth it! I wound up having an absolute blast & it turned out to be my favorite thing we did on our trip to Slovenia! Our guide, Mirka, was amazing! She was patient, knowledgeable, helpful, so sweet, & spoke great English! We didn't want the adventure to end!
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Canyoning Adventure The Canyoning Trip was a real adventure - if you get the chance to do to this once in your life, then you probably have chosen an ideal opportunity with the Fratarica tour to experience the full scope: sliding, jumping, abseiling in 45m waterfall... we had no experience but felt safe 100% at all times in our guides, Tamaš, most experienced hands... Thank you very much!!!
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Great fun, super captain Alvaro, must have event in Bovec The organization of the rafting trip was perfect. Our group consisted of only 6 people + Alvaro as captain. We went by bus to get our equipment: boots, wetsuit, helmet and life jacket. Then we went to the starting point, put on our capes and received simple instructions from Alvaro. Then - into the water! I can't imagine a better captain than Alvaro. He was very helpful, with a great sense of humor. The river was perfect for us beginners. There were some more difficult spots with excellent fun. There were also two special attractions.The only downside was the photos from the rafting trip. We only got a few of them with a fairly wide focal length. But I had a sports camera, the video and pictures from the event were great.
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Stanka S
highly recommended The rafting tour was really well organised. From signing a waiver to getting us out in the car on time, to teaching us how to raft the river technically correctly whilst having fun; it was amazing, slightly challenging and a fun ride those 3 hours. We even had a dog with us on our trip and they arranged a dog sitter for us. At the end they uploaded photos of the whole trip online for free, which was an extra surprising bonus. Great solid company, highly recommended! Thanks for a great half-day with you guys!
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M. K.
Wir haben eine Rafting-Tour gemacht und haben es sehr genossen! Es war unsere erste Tour, aber es gab eine Einweisung und Trockenübungen, um die Kommandos zu verinnerlichen. Dann ging es auch schon los. Equipment wurde gestellt, man braucht nur Badekleidung. Für uns hätte es ruhig schneller/ abenteuerlicher sein können, aber so ist es auch für Kinder und Familien geeignet. Zwischendurch gibt es Stationen, wo man von Felsen ins Wasser springen kann oder das Boot zu einer Rutsche umfunktioniert wird. Alles in allem ein toller Ausflug! Nettes Personal, tolle Landschaft und eine Menge Spaß. Das war nicht unsere letzte Tour!
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Dominik Delić
This canyoning experience was truly amazing. Our guide Darjo was both very friendly and extremely professional in his work, making sure everything is as safe as possible during this exciting 4-hour journey. It has definitely exceeded our, already high, expectations!
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Tim Bakker
Wat een ontzettend gave ervaring! De leukste activiteit die wij gedaan hebben in Slovenië. Wij gingen onder begeleiding van naamgenoot Tim de Fratarica door. Perfecte afwisseling van jumps, slides en rappels! Tussendoor krijg je ook nog wat feitjes te horen over flora en fauna of de rivier. Wij hebben ons geen moment onveilig gevoeld. Tim brengt de ervaring met humor, passie en is zeer bekwaam en professioneel. Verder was alles erg goed gecommuniceerd en geregeld. Top bedrijf met vriendelijke mensen! Als je canyoning gaat doen in Slovenië dan moet je hier zijn!
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Marek Polakovič
We done rafting and canyoning in Fratarica. Both attractions and guides (Tim and Bjorn) were superb! We got great proffesional equipment. Everything was explained properly, we felt safe and we had really great fun. Super fun were also additional attractions during rafting, such as jumping to the water from the rock, swimming and sliding down from the rock on the raft. Additionally, we got free great photos and videos (especially from canyoning) as during rafting it's hard to get the photos except start point, ent point and one middle point. I can only recommend them. Fully satisfied!
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Flora Vincent
We met at 2pm for intermediate canyoning session. Tomi our guide was super professional, the equipment we got was brand new and very good quality. We were a group of 8 which was just the right size. They don’t oversell the product: count 4.5 hrs for the full activity and must be in good physical condition for the Intermediate canyoning .
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barbe berto
Quasi una sfida per passare una domenica diversa e all'aria aperta... Ho voluto provare un esperienza e mettermi un po' alla prova e così ho deciso di fare canyoning. Mi sono affidato all'esperienza del Nature's Ways a Bovec e dei suoi accompagnatori. Tomj ha trasmesso sicurezza anche quando ho dovuto affrontare un salto da circa tre metri e le calate dalle cascate con l'imbracatura. Adrenalina purissima e la stanchezza e la temperatura dell'acqua sparivano. Ottima l'attrezzatura, bravi e professionali gli accompagnatori, gruppi massimo di otto persone, paesaggi stupendi e selvaggi ... Sfida vinta alla grande. Prossima volta si alza l'asticella delle difficoltà.
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